Looking to Join Team BLÜ?
We are always looking for driven and talented people that will make BLÜ a better agency so send your information to and we’ll take a look at it.
Positions Available
Join the BLÜ CRÜ
Are you interested in an internship at The BLÜ Group? Past BLÜ CRÜ members have said they learned more in 3 months here than they did in 4 years at school. Now we can’t promise these types of results every time, but we can promise you a wealth of knowledge, a great learning environment, and some kick ass people to hang out with.
Do you have what it takes to join the BLÜ CRÜ? The ball’s in your court. Show us what you can bring to the team. Send your cover letter, resume, and portfolio, if you have one, to and we’ll take a look at it right away.